Monday, October 27, 2008
The Land Bridge
I used this as the basis for questioning whether or not I was adopted during my teenage angst. But these samephysical features - high cheek bones, small dark almond shaped eyes and small nose -- were said to resemble my grandmother, the one who called herself Katie.
We met up with Emilio -- the "adopted" son of my parent's cousin Romelia's sister -- in Mesilla last Sunday. When he met me he said "como se parece a Katie" (she looks so much like Katie) to my mom. He had met my grandmother when she visited El Paso and when they made their trips to California.
["adopted" because since Elvira (Romelia's sister) was single, she was not allowed to officially adopt Emilio even though she did raise him from his childhood.]
As I was growing up and people remarked on my physical features -- that I seemed Asian and not Mexican -- I had to explain a few things --
1) most Mexicans are mixed white and native
2) there used to be this thing called the land bridge between Asia and Alaska at one time...
My father has always wondered whether or not my grandmother was Indian and if so what kind. It has remained a speculation because we know so little about her mother and father. All we know for sure is that her father (Ysidoro) was a land owner and merchant. We can assume he was mostly white, though we don't really know. But we know next to nothing about her mother, Tomasa -- which is why she has been the focus of most of my research while in Texas and New Mexico.
Somehow in the back of my mind this has been a quest for information about that branch of the famly. But since El Paso was such a bust in terms of finding anything definitive or even filling out more of the family tree, I am still searching for her genealogy and her story.
At the archive and state library I used their accout to plow through all the names that I got from Romelia.
For the past few days, I have been wrestling with the pieces of information that I think I know... and trying to put it together if it is possible to do that with what I think I found at the archive.
Here's what I "know" -- they are really just threads, tidbits...
>Ysidoro (Isidoro?) never made it to El Paso
>His land was left in care of a family member -- relationship unclear but probably related to Ysidoro
>Children and mother (mother piece still doubtful) left in care of famly in El Paso but not set up in their own home -- theoretically to wait for Ysidoro to join them
>Romelia's family is maybe related to me on both sides (Tomasa and Ysidoro) though we can only find a direct line to Ysidoro
Thinking through these bits and what I know about patriarchal Mexico at the turn of the century -- it makes sense that the land would be left in care of the father's family and that the children would be left in the care of the mother's family.
Add in the info I found at the archive on -- most of which I cannot prove are people who are really my relatives --- just people who have the same names as people who Romelia told me about...
What I found on and at the archive:
>A baptismal record for an Ysidoro who could be my great grandfather but not for Tomasa
>A woman with the same name as the woman with whom my grandmother and siblings were left -- she also had a brother on this census record with the same name as the brother this woman had in my family. On the census record she and her mother and siblings are listed as Indian.
>There is a tribe of Pueblo indians, the Ysleta of El Paso, that was cut off from the New Mexico Ysleta back in the 1600s -- they are not federally recognized however they have created a list of people in the tribe; the archivist on duty on my last day at the archives just happens to be the one who is helping the Ysleta of El Paso to research their genealogy -- and he confirmed the family I found on ancestry is an inscribed member of the Ysleta tribe.
So, the wheels are turning -- what if Tomasa was related to those folks who were Ysleta then she might have been Ysleta as well, but from the other side -- from Chihuahua. It would make sense that her baptism was not recorded at the Cathedral like my great-grandfather's was -- because the natives would not have rated that kind of treatment. It would explain why I can't find records for Tomasa anywhere.
Assuming all my assumptions are correct or even plausible and those people are really related, it could the missing link between me and the land bridge.
Of course the connection between that family and my family is not established because I don't know they dates of birth. Boy, it sure would be great to have the history detectives on my side on this one.
-- I wish I had the energy to add photos to this post... but it has been sitting in the drafts folder for weeks, and it is just time to let it see light.... pictures may come, but they won't have anything to do with the post.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
St. Cate's

I called and left a message for Sr. Patrick Marie -- and decided that on my way to drop off my parents in the plaza so I could go to the archives and do some research that we should stop by the site of St. Catherine's Indian School to take some pictures. JUST IN CASE they decide to sell the site and raze all the buildings before we get confirmation one way or another. It is another long shot, but like everything else on this trip, shooting in the dark is what we do.
Both schools, SFIS and St. Cate's, had been built on the edge of Santa Fe back in the 1890's, but now they were both within miles of the historic plaza.
St. Cate's is right next to two cemeteries -- the veteran's cemetery and a city cemetery. I drive down the road that was given as the address winding through what looked like brand new homes and expensive condos and suddenly there is no more road, just dirt -- and not too stable looking either. Then all we could see was cemetery on one side and chain link fence on the other.
We made it almost back to the car when someone came out of the cemetery and got into a work truck. My dad decided that this man would have all the information he needed about the property and started chatting. We were headed down the road when a car with two nuns (in full dress) passed us -- clearly on their way to check on the alarm we set off. No doubt. My dad wanted me to stop and ask them questions -- "here's your chance to get all the information you need," he insisted. Um... no way... not going to start our conversation letting them know we had just been trespassing. I will wait for Sr. Patrick Marie to call me back instead.
My mom and I pocketed our finds. My dad decided to leave his at the front gate.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Santa Fe Indian School
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sunrise in Santa Fe
My dad woke up not feeling well the morning after we had arrived in Santa Fe. Apparently he had not felt well all night, but didn't think he should wake us. He wondered if we should cut the trip short. My mom found his nitroglycerin tabs in the bathroom. He admitted he had a hard time catching his breath and thought he might be having a heart attack.
He felt bad but didn't have chest pains or shortness of breath so I knew that he wasn't having a heart attack as we were talking to him -- and that it was possible that he was just having a bad reaction to the elevation. I did some research online about local hospitals and altitude sickness -- then I spent an hour on the phone with a lovely nurse. She was pretty sure that it was a bad reaction to the change in altitude but we both agreed everyone would be happier if we got him checked out at the hospital.
I waited another hour for the insurance company to open so that I could find out if there was a particular hospital that was covered. Since we were out of area, she said any would do. So far I was two for two on nice, helpful people on the phone. Given our semi-panicked state, it was great fortune to happen on such wonderful people via phone.
We trekked over to the hospital, happily only three miles away from our hotel, where the emergency room sat on the top of a little hill -- with valet parking. Needing a little air, I declined the valet, dropped off my parents and walked back from the parking. I needed a little reassurance from someone who I actually know, so I called a friend, who was willing to lend a supportive ear and verbal reassurance. It was like getting a long distance hug.
The emergency room was EMPTY. I was ready to settle down and read Harry Potter for a few hours, I got to the emergency room as my dad was being called back -- my mother was wondering when they would ask for her insurance card. After a short history, a check of blood pressure and oxygen level, my dad was in a room and very shortly we were chatting with a doctor.
The doctor also thought this was a case of bad reaction to change in altitude but we all agreed (my father more reluctantly than the rest of us) to go through with all the tests just to be sure.
There was virtually no waiting -- and within another hour, we got the all clear. I have never met so many helpful, attentive medical professionals all in one place. There must have been seven or eight people who came in to help.
My father swiped a specimen jar as his recuerdo -- my mom and I just shook our heads and laughed -- relieved that it was all going to be ok.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Needle in a Hay Stack
We perused the map to see if we could figure out how to search for Tomasa. It was just another time when we kicked ourselves for not planning ahead. Ah well, we were there and had several hours before it would close, so what the hell. We staked out that she would have to be in one of the plots listed as "Catholic" -- there were four of these on the map.
Off we went in search of the first section to search ... it seemed simple enough until we were driving around and none of the "street name" signs were where they were supposed to be. Then we saw two men in a minivan hanging out. I pulled in next to them and pretty quickly one of them came over to chat -- in Spanish. He told us that his "boss" would help us find the grave -- all we had to do was go to the office and he had the number and address.
I called the number he gave me and made plans to go over to the office where they had records we could search -- a break! Even though we hadn't planned ahead, we could get help locating her grave. All I wanted to know -- what year did she die? What year did my grandmother become an orphan? What year would she have landed in the Indian School? I wanted this info so that it would be easier to search for records once we reach Santa Fe.
We headed to the office -- where the woman who answered the phone had already been looking through the books for Tomasa's grave. No dice. She checked from 1910-1916 and no Tomasa. But, she did give us the information that the public library had death records we could search -- and off we went.
Several hours later, my dad had the name of two more books he could read on Teresita and I had nothing.
Nothing... no Tomasa died in Texas between 1905-1930. Umm... when you search for a needle in the haystack, sometimes all you find is hay.
Back to the drawing board on everything.
Monday, October 20, 2008
El Paso
My mom had warned me that my Tia Romelia (note unspecific "tia" designation for me and "cousin" designation for my dad) would not want us to cross into Juarez -- she has never wanted to go over there with my parents on their previous visits. I was game to do it - although it would have been better to have a guide. I asked my dad to write a letter to the cousin he remembered in Juarez in the hopes that they would at least offer to meet with us somewhere -- maybe even in El Paso. But he didn't get around to writing the letter -- even though we have been planning the trip since August.
As if to warn us, the day before we left, the State Department issued a travel advisory asking that Americans not pass over into Juarez. Apparently the violence had escalated to daytime shootings at the mall and a proliferation of carjackings.
So, I put the plans for visiting Juarez on the back burner -- I didn't want Romelia to be worried or anything to happen to my parents on my watch -- I wasn't sure how to go about researching genealogy in Juarez anyway. But, I would have loved to see the land/house my great-grandfather had owned and hear the recollections of my parents as they both had visited with my grandparents in the 60's and 70's -- before my time. Being in the place sparks memories for them that they don't otherwise share.
I thought we might be able to get some information from my Tia Romelia in any case. My parents had dug out several typed sheets of paper with Romelia's family tree. I scanned them, but there was no connection I could see to my father's mother. When I asked Romelia, she said, my mother and your grandmother were cousins. Great, but how?? After lots of complicated explanations that meant nothing or simply shrugging her shoulders, she tells me, we were related on both sides. Um... both sides? My grandmother and grandfather? My great grandmother and great grandfather?
After many tries asking the question in different ways, I finally decided to just build trees for anyone that she remembered. In that way, I might have another piece of the puzzle that I could use at some later date or compare to other people's recollections. I wasn't sure who else might have information, but there wasn't anything else for me in El Paso.
Next stop, the cemetery -- maybe I will find the date of my great grandmother's death and therefore help me find records on my grandmother in Santa Fe.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Phoenix to El Paso
We're driving along and watching the black lava rocks all over the ground -- looking like someone has come through with a blow torch and blackened these little rocks. My mom suggested we could collect some really cool rocks if we pulled over, but that wasn't going to happen -- even though I really do like to collect cool rocks.
This reminds me of the stretch between Northridge and Chatsworth on the train when you travel from LA to Oxnard. (Yes, that would be the one where the crash was a month or so ago.)
As we were passing these fantastic rock formations that looked like some giant had been walking around making stacks, I noticed a police car with all lights flashing and then smoke. On the median there was a little fire. Then we saw three more little fires as if someone had been coming through and dropping lit cigarettes out the window. Luckily it didn't look like it would turn into a raging fires.
Mom taking the sunset from the car...
The sun was setting and the colors were beautiful. You kind of have to imagine this 10 times better than it came out on the photo.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Road to Phoenix
These photos courtesy of Rose C's handiwork.